Saturday, March 10, 2007

The other side....

A reader's viewpoint......

Today is the first day.

A friends suggested that I read this book.

Something about how I could use the "positive energy", He knows that I'm constantly in a state of organized chaos and crisis intervention, thanks mostly to our wonderful jobs.

OK, so I picked it up at the local library the other day, and have started reading it, in between the never-ending interruptions (is that a negative comment?).

Should I ask for opinions on this book prior to finishing it? Meanwhile, in the back of my mind, I can't help but wonder where I've heard of this book before.

All I can say is that, judging from the first couple of chapters, it's covering topics that I've often wondered about over the years. Is it a coincidence that I was drawn to this book? (Insert "Twilight Zone" theme here....

I don't think he was too impressed...

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