Plot summary - The story is set in the mountains of Tibet in search of the mythical place called Shambhala (also known as Shangri-La), accessible only by raising one's spiritual attunement to a high enough level. Among other things, the book touches on the concept of prayer energy and heaven and earth coming together.
In the remote snow-covered mountains near Tibet lies a community long thought to be a mere myth called Shambhala, or Shangri-La. Here, in this place, is knowledge that has been kept hidden for centuries - and an insight that can have profound impact on the way each of us lives our lives.
Your search for Shambhala begins with the words of a child and the vision of an old friend. Those slender clues and a powerful synchronicity will lead to Kathmandu, Nepal, and then to Lhasa, Tibet. Amid blowing snows and perilous mountains, you will meet the secret Tibetan sect that guards mysterious legends - the verbal instructions handed down for centuries that describe the inner changes one must undergo before entering Shambhala.
Finally, with Chinese agents in pursuit, you will pass through regions where anger and compassion struggle for ascendancy, and arrive at a place where the stunning reality about human prayer-energy - our underdeveloped ability to increase the synchronicity in our lives and influence what will happen to us in the future - is about to be revealed.
Like James Redfield's other books, The Secret of Shambhala has a parable effect. Open yourself to this adventure and the experience will stretch your worldview and leave you determined to channel your thoughts and wishes into a dynamic force that can help you liberate your life, enhance others, and actively change the world
John Woodson
The main character. John goes this time to Tibet, as his friends Wil and Natalie told him to do. Wil is gone when John arrives in Tibet.
Natalie's father. Has helped John with some gardering.
Bill's daughter, who sets John out on his journey through Tibet.
Wilson James (Wil)
A steadfast character in The Celestine Prophecy, and in The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision. Located in Shambhala.
Yin Doloe
Wil sent Yin to meet John as he goes to Tibet. Yin has a deep hate for the Military of the Republic of China. He is with John throughout most of his journey.
A friend of Yin's. Jampa is a monk at the monastery where Lama Rigden lives, and has followed Lama Rigden for over 10 years.
Lama Rigden
The protagonists visit him for more information about the whereabouts of Wil. He understands the legends of Shambhala more than anyone else.
He helps John concentrate on what he eats.
Colonel Chang
The one who wishes to destroy Shambhala.
The first human John meets after coming to Shambhala.
Initially about to give birth to a baby child; but the child is gone.
Ani's son. He wants to enter John's world.
Pema's husband.